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Cupping / Hijama The Learning Technique Combined With Pure Salt Therapy For Treating Cancer - Cupping (hijama or bruise) and Pure Salt therapy, among others, to treat and / or cure disases such as stroke, heart disease, cancer, hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, Alzheimer's, kidney disease, liver disease, hepatitis , infertility, skin diseases, migraines, back pain, arthritis, IBS, heartburn, and pain and pain relief.Cupping and Pure Salt Therapy is most effective when it comes to regular exercise, fresh air, drink distilled water (not filtered or mineral water), good nutrition, stress reduction and healthy lifestyle.

Cancer is one of the three main causes of mortality (death) in developed countries. There are over one hundred types of cancer that affect different tissues and organs, blood and lymphatic and skin. There is a feeling of hopelessness, anger, anxiety when someone is diagnosed with cancer because many people associate cancer with suffering, pain and eventual death.

Modern medicine has made ​​great strides in the fight against certain cancers such as childhood leukemia leather prostate, and colon cancer but not for others such as the lungs, pancreas brain, and liver cancer. Increased likelihood of cure with early diagnosis and treatment, ie before the cancer has grown to a size large enough that the press against and cause damage to neighboring tissues and organs.

More concerning is that the cancer has metastasize (spread) to the neighboring and distant tissues and organs. Common symptoms of cancer include persistent fatigue, weight loss is not intentional, prolonged fever or infection, and changes in the skin (jaundice, dark skin, abnormal hair growth, itchy skin).

Cancer is a disease that is very difficult to treat because it is a disease that involves your cell genes that control cell growth. Survival (doctors call it remission) varies depending on the type and stage of cancer. For example, about 49 percent, or about half, men diagnosed with early stage lung cancer live for at least five years after diagnosis. Five-year survival rate for people diagnosed with lung cancer that has spread (metastasized) to other areas of the body is 3 percent. Of approximately 90% of cases survived the operation and the balance is due to chemotherapy or radiotherapy. There are pros and cons of using chemotherapy or radiotherapy was available on the internet. Both of these treatments because they can cause side effects or even worse cause secondary cancers.

The human body can defend itself against bacteria and viruses and even kill cancer cells through the intervention of the immune system to kill cancer cells kita.Kemoterapi and other useful cells including cells of the immune system (white blood cells) are needed to defend our bodies against disease and cancer. When someone has cancer he / she needs to strengthen his / her immune system to fight cancer. So chemotherapy can not be considered a good treatment for cancer and the same goes for radiotherapy. Furthermore doctors can not detect cancer through X-ray or MRI if smaller than 1 cm in size which is equivalent to 1,000 million cancer cells. So if someone had said 10 million cancer cells remaining in his / her body after chemotherapy or radiotherapy, your doctor will say that the cancer is in remission because it can not be detected. But do not be surprised when a cancer patient suffering from a relapse even after remission.

To understand how to treat the cancer we need to know why the normal cells that form tissues and organs become cancerous. In Andreas Moritz book Cancer Not Disease - It's normal mechanism of cell survival when exposed continuously for many years for the environment that are toxic to cancer survival.

The reason that cancer cells have a higher survival rate compared with normal cells the cancer cells thrive in an anaerobic (lacking oxygen) environment, can produce its own blood vessels to supply nutirents, able to multiply more rapidly, may disguise themselves from the cells the immune system, can dissolve normal cell wall and attacked them, and can produce chemicals to destroy the white blood (immune) cells. In fact, cancer cells can survive indefinitely in the laboratory while normal cells can proliferate around 53 times before it stops and cell death occurs. So secert to treat cancer is to reverse the toxic environment that eventually trigger normal cells to become cancerous. Cleanup of toxic internal environment of cells and increase blood circulation can be achieved by application of Cupping and Pure Salt Therapy.

Cancer treatment based on Cupping and Pure Salt therapy consisting essentially of:

A. Aggressive cupping (see my website or details) a painful and each cupping session will last 1 to 1-1/2 hours per day and can take up to 60 days to complete. The goal is to clean the blood of cancer patients are deprived of oxygen and nutrients (food, vitamins, etc.) that feed the red blood cells and white blood cells (immune system cells) to strengthen their functions to supply oxygen and fight bacteria / cell cancer respectively. Aggressive cupping will leave dark marks (no marks) on the palm area to 1-1/2 years since it was recommended for serious diseases such as cancer. Can replace blood in the bruise for bruise aggressive cancers such as breast, lung, liver, kidneys stomach, and colon cancer.

2. Pure salt consumption which also acts as a cleaning agent to remove toxins and gases in the blood. This involves taking at least 30 hours of pure salt (usually 200 hours of pure salt for cancer) that starts with 2 packs per day and gradually increase by 1 packet every day1 hari.yaitu 2 packs, 3 packs a day 2, 3 and 4 packs a day so on until the patient began to clear (watery stools). After cleaning the patient began to decrease 1 package and keep the same number of daily packs. So if the beginning of the patient to clean up after a 10 pack of the patient should continue taking 9 a pack a day-to-day from then on. Cancer patients can consume up to 20 packs per day and consumption of pure salt can last up to one year.

3) Subject to the exercise (repeated prostration and standing in the rear) starting with 30 times a day and gradually increased to 500 times per day.

4) Drink at least 2 liters of distilled water per day.

5) Avoid oily / fatty foods, junk food, meat, sugar, and eat lots of fresh vegetables / fruits.

6) Have a positive thought that cancer can be cured and have a strong desire to live. The mind-body interaction is essential for good health. In this case the help of prayer to heal cancer patients.

If a cancer patient is willing to do all the above every day without fail and not give up half way (requires a strong will and discipline), he / she may consider cupping and pure salt therapy. But to do cupping combined with pure salt is very expensive, beriksar to hundreds of thousands and millions of dollars, this is due to the expensive raw material that is in the form of pure salt.

The duration of treatment can be shorter or longer seen an increase in symptoms after 3 to 6 months. The actual aggressive cupping cupping should be done by close relatives of cancer patients, relatives or friends. To note that the bruise and Pure Salt therapy is not performed on cancer patients who underwent extensive chemotherapy because it will reduce the production of red blood cells and kills white blood cells needed to fight cancer.

Sources: Ustadz H. Galih Gumelar and other sources.
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Unknown said...

How i survived lungs cancer.
I was diagnosed of lung cancer in 2011 and the doctor (oncologist), because i was a chronic smoker who started smoking from 16 and told me i had just two years to live that my lungs had been damaged, that even on the best medication i still had two years. I needed help because i was scared to die and i did chemotherapy, radiotherapy and it was unable to treat or help me. I coughed nearly every minute. In my death clock counting just 6 months remaining, if you knew me then i was good as dead because the cancer had eaten me up. My wife was fortunate enough to contact doctor Amber, a herbal doctor who came and treated me in our house using his medicine and that is how i was saved (where western medicine and methods failed), that was the greatest decision my wife had taken aside marrying me. Today i am totally fine without any symptoms of cancer, it was all confirmed by my oncologist that i am clean. Do not die in silence or rely only on western medicine herbal medicine is very effective. If you have any related form of cancer simply contact the doctor directly on ( for more information about his treatment.

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